Feeling russian in "Cafe Tolstoi" , Barcelona
I bet a 100 percent, you think that we , russians, drink vodka on a daily basis (partially true during summer vacations though ;)), walk in famous russina "valenki" boots and keep a cute little BEAR at home instead of a boring dog... Well unfortunately I can not prove this right or wrong BUT I can at least prove that Russian food is one of the best cuisines in the world!
If you live in Barcelona "Cafe Tolstoi" is a must place in order to get to know authentic russian cuisine. Only here feel free to try russian pelmeni (russian style gyoza), famous REAL olivie salad, hot russian borsch (soup where the main ingredient is beetroot) or try one of the most delicious honey cakes "Medovik".
"Cafe Tolstoi" has a very pleasant classy design with some russian books standing on the shelves and kind of aristocratic furniture.
I must admit every time I go to "Cafe Tolstoi" I see more spanish visitors than russian ones and , frankly speaking, I tend to believe it's a good sign since spanish people are known for having good taste in food or you can try to prove me wrong?;)

MY CHOICE: Pelmeni, olivie salad and borsch
FOOD: Typical Russian cusine
AMBIENCE: Simple but comfy
FOR WHO: Those willing to open one more wonderful cusine for themselves OR russians craving soo badly for their oen food (experiencing this state every day of my 5 years abroad)
RECOMMENDED: I would not even dare to say "NO";)
LOCATION: Carrer de Mallorca, 170, 08036 Barcelona