Unique experience at a real Oyster Farm in France
Yesterday I went to try some real Oysters on the oyster farm in France. The farm is located not so far from the Spanish border, let's say around 30-40 minutes.
There is nothing special about the ambience, since you are basically eating oysters on the farm:) The point of this experience is that you manage to try real freshly grown oysters that are served raw (kind of alive haha) . You are allowed to choose which kind of oysetrs u wanna try ( i mean the size: from small mini-oysters to "king" size oysters)
The most fascinating part of this experience is the price of the oysetrs. Just try to guess how much you pay for a plate of 10 oysters? 20 euros? 30? 40? 50? No! Listen here: 9 euros! JUST 9 euros for a plate of freshly served french oysters directly from the farm!
Totally recommended:) Apart from food (the restaurants located next to the farm only serve oysters) , you will be given wine , bred and water and you will be asked to pay only for 1 bottle, so basically drinks are free ;)
A one in a lifetime experience!!
FOOD: Oysters only
MY CHOICE: Oysters ( medium size + king size)
AMBIENCE: Very very simple, don't expect anything posh)
FOR WHO: Oyster lovers!:)
PRICE: $ (Extremely CHEAP!)
LOCATION: Grau de Leucate, Port, France