"Costa Coffee"- a very warm welcome to Avda. Diagonal
Hello to COFFEE ADDICTS! I have already mentioned "Costa Coffee" on my Instagram account not so long ago. Now it's time for a blogpost!...

Back on track! "Once Upon a Time"- feeling as Alice In Wonderland
Sunny weekend to everyone! First of all, I would like to apologize for not updating you on any new spots for a while! I've been really...

Feeling warm in cold Russia in "Счастье На Крыше" ( English version)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my dear readers! I apologize for being away for soo long but it's just cause of going home and...

Feeling warm in cold Russia in " Счастье На Крыше" (Russian Version/Русская версия)
Наконец-то наступил долгожданный момент моего ПЕРВОГО поста на русском ! Так как нахожусь я сейчас в Москве , то решила , что о местных...

"WE PUDDING" for an "Alice in Wonderland" experience
"WE PUDDING" is a beautiful, cosy & magical cafeteria located in the center of Barcelona. Once inside, you appear to be one of the heroes...

"Crep Nova" for the best pancakes in Barcelona
"Crep Nova" is a famous crep/ pancake chain that specializes in guess what? PANCAKES! Their pancakes are famous for its'exceptional taste...

Cup cakes for everyone !
Hello my foodies, I haven't been that active for a while but that'because I have a lot going on right now in my life and since I moved...

Feeling cosmic at "Cosmo cafe" Barcelona
"Cosmo" cafe is one of the most cosy cafeterias you can find in Barcelona. It's a modern & cool place where you can have a brunch or...

"Harina"- a dream bakery
Today in the morning just before going to work I opened a wondeful bakery for myself. "Harina" is big inside, you know, it's this kind of...

"Brunch & Cake" for a perfect brunch and a delish Oreo cake
This weekend I spent in Barcelona again and of course I could not miss the chance of visiting one of my favourite spots : "Brunch & Cake"...