More Sushi in "Monster Sushi"
"Monster Sushi" is a nice 2- floor cosy japanese restaurant located on Plaça de Galla Placídia. The first thing you need to know is that...

"WE PUDDING" for an "Alice in Wonderland" experience
"WE PUDDING" is a beautiful, cosy & magical cafeteria located in the center of Barcelona. Once inside, you appear to be one of the heroes...

More than a typical sushi restaurant " Grupo Nomo"
"Grupo Nomo" is a chain of japanese restaurants present in Barcelona. There are 5 restaurants operating under the same brand name :...

"Crep Nova" for the best pancakes in Barcelona
"Crep Nova" is a famous crep/ pancake chain that specializes in guess what? PANCAKES! Their pancakes are famous for its'exceptional taste...

Cup cakes for everyone !
Hello my foodies, I haven't been that active for a while but that'because I have a lot going on right now in my life and since I moved...